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Shrewsbury Handbells in the local community

In addition to raising money for local charities, we organise and take part in local concerts and events such as the Shrewsbury Big Busk, Oakengates Christmas Lights Switch-on and Christmas at Sunnycroft, Wellington (National Trust). We perform at many privately-booked functions for community groups and WI's all over Shropshire.

If you would like us to play at your event please get in touch through the Contact Us page of the web-site. We practice between September and April and normally give concerts with Christmas music in December and Spring concerts in April/early May.


The aims of the Group are

  • to enjoy playing handbells and have fun making music.

  • to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for players of all ages and abilities to develop and enhance their musical skills.

  • to present handbells to a wide and varied an audience as possible in an entertaining and informative way, often with 'hands on experience where appropriate.

  • to raise money for charity through our public and private concert programme.

Like to join us?

If you would like to join the group or have a go, get in touch through the Contact Us page and come along to one of our starter evenings held once a month in Shrewsbury. The next dates are Thursday 27th February 2025 and Thursday 20th March 2025.

Our Bells (from the Whitechapel Foundry)

In 2013, Shrewsbury Handbells launched a fund raising appeal called 'The third Octave', aiming to add a further five bass bells to our set of thirty two. As of January 2015 with support from Shrewsbury Town Council and other donations, all gratefully received, we  achieved our objective and now have a full chromatic set of bells covering 3 octaves.

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This year, 2024, we are raising money for Shropshire Mental Health Support


Previous charities have included;

  • Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service

  • The West Midlands Air Ambulance

  • Lingen Davies Cancer Fund (Shropshire and Mid Wales)

  • Good Companions Shrewsbury

  • Omega - Care for Life (Shropshire Branch)

  • Shropshire and Staffordshire Blood Bikes

  • Headway (Shrewsbury)

  • Shropshire and Mid-Wales Crohn's and Colitis Group

  • First Responders

  • The Shrewsbury Ark (a drop in centre for the homeless)

  • The Age UK Diamond Appeal (to provide local day centres for dementia sufferers and their carers

  • West Shropshire Talking Newspaper

  • Hope House Children's Hospice

  • Severn Hospice

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